Class 1: Matthew 5:16 – Character of citizens of the kingdom 

Breakout Room 1

Of the 8 beatitudes that we’ve considered:

  • Which one(s) did you connect with the most?
  • Which are your biggest strengths?
  • Which present you with the biggest opportunity for improvement?
Breakout Room 2
  • At the conclusion of this section, Jesus tells us to let our light shine before men that they may see our good works and glorify our Father in Heaven. Share some ways that you can practically do this

Class 2: Matthew 5:17-48 – Fulfilling the Law 

Breakout Room 1
  • What examples can you think of from your own life where this principle of purification vs filtration applies?
Breakout Room 2
  • What other Biblical examples/stories can you think of where we see this principle emphasized?

Class 3: Matthew 6:1-18 – Avoiding hypocrisy, pursuing authenticity

Breakout Room 1
  • What are some practical ways that we can avoid performing on the stage of hypocrisy?
Breakout Room 2
  • Do you find offering meaningful prayer to be a challenge?  How so?
  • What advice would you give to a friend who is struggling with their prayer life?

Class 4: Matthew 6:19-34 – Single-minded in our pursuits

Breakout Room 1
  • Jesus told us that ‘no one can serve 2 masters’.  In what areas of your life do you feel the biggest pull to be divided in your allegiance? 
    • How are you combatting it presently?  Is your strategy working?
Breakout Room 2
  • Jesus talks about ‘anxiety’ 6 different times at the end of Matthew 6.  What sources of anxiety do you experience in your life?
    • What principles will you apply from the words of Jesus to help deal with those those anxieties?